
A Way Forward

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“The world we have made as a result of the level of thinking we have done this far creates problems that we cannot solve at the same level at which we created them.” Albert Einstein.

We need a higher order of intelligence to think, feel and act differently in challenging situations. Accumulating more skills and knowledge is not the answer. What is required is upgrading leaders’ internal operating system or worldview to see the world through new eyes. Advancement of an individual’s “worldview” enables a shift in interpretations of experience to effectively embrace and manage complexity. This is the quantum rather than incremental change that enables leaders to better understand the dynamics of their world. From this perspective business issues can be more effectively addressed, the organizations culture can be evolved and human capital built.

We also need a leader and organizational development map that integrates the key development approaches rather than excluding many in favor of one. This approach must have the power to capture the whole of complexity and make sense of it so that leader actions are agile as well as clear, focused and direct.


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