
Executive Coaching

Coaching is a mutual learning partnership designed to help the client unfold their innate capabilities and creativity to address concerns and aspirations that are important to them.

The foundation of our coaching model is:

  • Trust:                           creation of a confidential, respectful, effective relationship
  • Goals:                           clarity and full focus on fulfilling the client’s goals
  • Learning:                      learning as both the process as well an outcome of the coaching
  • Accountability:            holding the client responsible for achieving the outcomes

We use the four integrative leadership dimensions as a frame to create sustainable mindset and behavioral shifts for effectiveness that last beyond the coaching work.

  • Expanding mindsets for greater self awareness, adaptability and self management
  • Increasing emotional intelligence and engagement skills to build more effective relationships
  • Enhancing execution skills including strategic thinking to achieve goals and drive business results
  • Developing structures and habits to anchor and support behavioral change over time

The day to day experience and concerns of our clients provides the forum for learning.  The starting point is to identify and clarify the gap between clients’ current reality and aspirations and full potential.  In the words of the author Robert Fritz, this is the “creative tension” that provides the energy for the coaching.  Progress comes from developing insights and implementing new behaviors.  Often this requires identifying and dissolving old patterns of thought and engagement that have become obsolete and no longer serve. Reflective practice of learning from day to day experience during the coaching process is an essential skill that we support clients in developing to accelerate learning.

We design customer coaching programs that combine confidential in person or telephone conversations supported by one or more of the following:

  • Qualitative feedback from interviews with seniors, peers or other stake holders
  • Feedback from a 360 leader assessment tool such as The Leadership Circle
  • Information from personality/preferences/styles assessment tools including MBTI, DiSC, FIRO-B and others
  • Writing of a Development Plan that identifies specific learning goals and anchors insights from qualitative and assessment tool feedback
  • Participation in a cohort group of colleagues for group learning
  • Experiential learning events and practices

Our standard Integrative Coaching Program includes 360 assessment feedback through The Leadership Circle, the writing of a development plan and 6 months of coaching.

Leadership Development

We see leadership development as a process that enables leaders to:

  • Develop deeper clarity as to what is important to them and the impacts they would like to create for themselves, their business and their community
  • Improve their ability to express their aspirations and goals in a way that stimulates others to align, engage and effectively create those meaningful outcomes

By seeding individuals who develop these capabilities, we create the foundation for setting game changing expectations and achievement not seen before.

Our Integrative Leadership Map serves as the overall framework for our leader development work.  We customize and adapt our core content to meet our clients’ needs. The learning formats vary from 1, 2 and 3 day programs to year long programs that integrate a wide range of learning experiences and content.  We often use experiential exercises and/or assessment tool debriefs as part of the shorter programs to set up deeper learning.

Adult development research by Kegan, Tolbert, Cook Grueter and others reveals that leader effectiveness increases as world views evolve.  We describe this more fully in our Resources section.  Although our programs are tailored to our client’s business application and needs, we maintain an essential thread of stimulating the expansion of mindsets and building emotional intelligence skills for greater business effectiveness.

The most effective organizations going forward will be those that invest in upgrading the operating system of their employees so they see and act on an expanded scope of impact for themselves and bring out the best in others.


The following are our areas of developmental focus:

INSIGHT: Mindsets and Awareness

-Growing Leadership mindsets

-Dissolving Reactive mindsets

-Managing emotional reactivity

-Identifying your Leadership Stake

-Polarities and Paradoxes


INTERACTIONS:  Relationship Engagement

-Communications Skills

-Partnership and Collaboration

-Difficult Conversations

-Mentoring and Developing


INFRASTRUCTURE:  Structure and Processes

-Organizing for Collaboration

-Meeting Governance

-Strategic Planning

-Stress Management


IMPACT:  Achievement and Accountability

-Decision Making

-Strategic Thinking

-Integrity and Execution

Our programs aim to develop holistic learning experiences that include portions or sequence learning from each of the Integrative Leadership dimensions.

Team Performance Development

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Organization Building

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis sem nibh. Proin fringilla, lectus vitae vestibulum facilisis, est justo tempus orci, vel laoreet diam eros placerat elit. Pellentesque facilisis tempus velit sit amet porttitor. Proin nibh magna, porttitor accumsan malesuada non, auctor id tortor.

Wellness and Renewal

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